Sorry to the community but Mediaman wrote a DMCA Takedown request for this information, therefore we must remove his OPEN SOURCE system from our website to avoid conflicts. Please check out the EVA system, which is the most advanced system available and the one we now recommend.
The DMCA takedown includes the paperwork required to know which parts to print, therefore it makes the system unusable without purchasing via his website. We encourage you to go pay for the parts to use them, if you don’t have linear rails.
Visit the EVA website at
I got an Ender 3 Pro with the MK8 hot end and i’ve printed all the parts needed and i have them mounted.
My problem now is about the Y axis offset for the gantry adapter.
This is what i printed and used:
CR-10, CR-10S, CR-10S4, CR-10S5, CR-20, Ender 3, Ender 3 V2, Ender 3X, and Ender 3 Pro using OEM, MK8, or Micro Swiss hot-end.
I don’t know where do I need to add that 8.8 mm for the Y axis offset in my Marlin firmware.
Please help me with this.
Thank you.
There is an offset section in firmware or you can do it with Marlin code via terminal.
Switching over to Wham Bam system do you have cooling system for my 3D creality ?
HeroMe does I believe
The Hero Me Gen5 STL files are all open source and free. My support and documentation are Patreon supported. The DCMA was for the removal of my copyrighted documentation that was posted here without permission.
Yes, and the file with the guide for parts to print is worth the purchase if you aren’t using linear rails! You may post your link to purchase here Mediaman, we will update the post gladly.
Thanks! If anyone is interested in the Hero Me Gen6 cooling system. I provide support, parts cross reference and assembly documentation, as well as Hero Me Discord server at: